1、 总结和回答研究问题
2、 解释结果的含义
1. 总结和回答研究问题:
In summary, the experimental results of this study demonstrate that... and provide an answer to our research question.
Based on our analysis and research results, we have reached a positive/negative answer, namely....
2. 解释结果的含义:
The results of our study have important implications for understanding... and will contribute to the advancement of....
Our study reveals the mechanism of... and has practical application significance for designing new....
3. 讨论局限性:
Despite the important insights provided by the results of this study, we must acknowledge that it also has some limitations. For example....
Due to the limitations of experimental conditions, we cannot completely eliminate the influence of... which may have an impact on the results.
4. 提出未来:
Based on the results of this study, we suggest that future research can... to better understand the mechanism of....
Our study provides some insights for future research, and we recommend further exploration of the effects of... and the underlying mechanism.
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