1、Introducing the Results高分句型
Our results indicate that...
Our findings demonstrate that...
The data shows that...
The results suggest that...
The evidence supports the idea that...
2、Comparing with Previous Studies高分句型
Our findings are consistent with previous research that...
Our results support the view that...
Our study extends the work of previous researchers by...
Our results differ from previous studies in that...
Our study contributes to the existing literature by...
3、Explaining the Findings高分句型
One possible explanation for these results is...
It is likely that the observed differences are due to...
Our findings may be attributed to...
One potential explanation for these results is that...
These results can be explained by...
4、Limitations and Future Directions句型
One limitation of our study is that...
Future research should investigate...
Further studies are needed to...
Our study did not address the issue of...
Our findings provide a basis for future research to...
5、Implications and Significance句型
Our findings have important implications for...
This research provides insight into...
Our study sheds light on...
These results have significant implications for...
Our findings can be applied to...
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