研究媒体和传播(Research media and communication)
了解媒体和传播(Learn about media and communication)
民间社会、非政府组织和国家(Civil society, non-governmental organizations and the State)
学术英语1(Academic English 1)
跨文化职业交流(Intercultural career exchange)
呈现学术话语(Present academic discourse)
艺术和媒体中的法律问题(Legal issues in the arts and media)
研究受众和接受(Research audience and acceptance)
公共关系和传播(Public Relations and Communication)
新闻业的变化(Changes in journalism)
为媒体写作(Writing for the media)
媒体融合与数字文化(Media convergence and digital culture)
数字平台透视(Digital platform perspective)
视听通信(Audiovisual communication)
全球数据政策和治理(Global data policy and governance)
流动性、文化和交流(Mobility, culture and communication)
全球危机报告(Global crisis report)
数字政治(Digital politics)
媒体写作:修辞与实践(Media Writing: Rhetoric and Practice)
全球媒体:理论与研究(Global Media: Theory and Research)
实习课(Internship classes)
实习二(一学期)(Internship 2 (1 semester))
数字生活的政治经济学(The political economy of digital life)
文化政策和权力(Cultural policy and power)
信任、沟通和专业知识(Trust, communication and expertise)
科学、争议和公共政策(Science, controversy and public policy)
环境和知识(Environment and knowledge)
民间社会、非政府组织和国家(Civil society, non-governmental organizations and the State)
新媒体讲故事(New media storytelling)
数据新闻(Data journalism)
战略政治沟通(Strategic political communication)
数字媒体的写作和编辑(Writing and editing of digital media)
审查:电影、艺术和媒体(Censorship: Film, Art and Media)
反思权利和全球发展(Rethink rights and global development)
社会企业孵化器(Social business incubator)
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